Progressive Ponderings: Greed Is a Worker

by Joe Mayer, Apr 7, 2011

Greed is a worker who wants a living wage.

In a world of inequalities in wealth and power those at the top define the value of their human underlings. The greater the extremes into which society is divided the greater the need to justify and rationalize this imbalance. The greediest must blame the divisions within society. Religion often obliges the ruling class and declares “the divine right of kings.” Slaves and lower classes are told to accept God’s choice for them. And for women, cultures condition them to a life of subordination and the role of “helpmate.”

In each culture and society, the dominant members define the “truths” that maintain their status quo. Emperor, king, lord, prince, national and cultural superiority, chief, general, bishop, priest – all societies mythologize a hierarchy of privilege and power. Today we’ve slightly altered this terrain. We have invented the super-being, the corporation.

It grew slowly at first, limited to one or two fields of concentration – railroads, mills – for a limited number of years. Gradually we expanded its reach to all economic endeavors. We exempted it from death and allowed it to develop its interests in nations and states. Gradually, it assumed First Amendment rights with powers of free speech and assembly and the ability to own and control the press. Speech soon became money and our elections became auctions.

This two century process has become a paradox: the system interlocks a market economy (money) and government (power) and at the same time forces humans into national and global competition for jobs and business locations.

As corporations matured, they evolved with a singular purpose – greed. Yes, they softened the intent with an acceptable phrase of “profit.” But greed fits much better if we analyze their control of our political system, government, environment, media, culture, education, entertainment, and a concept of for-profit religion. But most of all they have grown our military, the most feared in the world, to enforce their far-flung corporate empire.

Observe how the corporate world has projected the greed of Wall St. and the financial crisis it created onto the poor and working class. Banks are healed, hedge fund manipulators are back into billion dollar profits, energy providers keep their resource monopolies and tax breaks, lobbyists proliferate. The wealthy, swimming in tax breaks, demand sacrifice and austerity from the people they define as greedy.

Greed is one who wants a living wage – a teacher, firefighter, nurse, garbage collector. Greed is a worker who wants a pension. Greed is a union which wants to stand up to business unions – the Chamber of Commerce. Greed is a health care system that works for all the people. Greed is a 40-hour week and safe working conditions. Greed is a veteran demanding rehabilitation. Greed is a student craving an education like that of the elite. Greed is a bankrupt homeowner seeking shelter.

The creation of the corporation has turned the world upside-down. The human creator has become the victim of its own creation. Can we find a better legacy for our children?
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